Intro :)
As we all know Lucy's birthday is fast approaching and we would like to put together a project for Lucy from all of her halers. Everybody is welcome to take part in this and the more people that submit something the better the final result for Lucy. You can also submit multiple entries! :)
For this project you can send in a video of you saying happy birthday to Lucy, a favourite photo of Lucy and why you like this particular picture. You can also send a message to us saying what makes Lucy so special to you, how she inspires you and why you love her so much, you favourite relationship i.e: Sparia, Ezria or any other ideas that you may have. Any entries you submit should include your twitter name and if you want your real name so Lucy can see who is involved.
entries should be sent to
and the deadline is the 9th of june
we will make exceptions if you email or tweet us with a valid reason :Dxxx
thank you and i hope you all get involved and i look forward to seeing your entries :)