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Birthday message from Nadia :)
13/06/2013 15:11
Note to Lucy :
All I wanna say to you Luc,is that I love you. I would give my life for your happiness and I would do whatever it takes to make sure nobody ever hurts you. I want you to know that you have a lot of halers here,in Greece,and that it would be a dream come true if you could come.
Reasons why I love her:
I love Lucy for so many reasons and I would need whole books to write them all down. But I think above all, I love her because she is SO down to earth. She acts like a little child and I adore that. She is natural and real and she is different from all those fakers with fame-changes. She is Lucy and I love her for that. I would give everything to be her best friend. She is funny,she is sweet,trust-worthy,and she knows how to make you have fun. I love her because she is tiny. I love her even more than she loves coffee or swedish fish.! and I love her even more when she dresses up as unicorn. I am so proud of her. I look at her AJ stuff and I cry. And I love the way SHE makes me feel.