OMG your website is like so amazing, and i love lucy and i found out loads more about lucy from this site, i really do hope you achieve your dream of lucy seeing your website because it is fantastic and i will help, by showing all my friends and getting them to share it because this website is amazing, my only tip would be that you change the background to something more exciting but apart from that i love the website and please continue to do it and dont give up because this is my number one source for haler info and will continue to be so for as long as you do it xxxxx i know you only just started but this is the best website i have seen after what is it 3,4 days of doing it, i hope you reply to my comment all of you and i would love to speak to you xx i hope all of you reply your so amazing and you website is so good!!!!!!!!
Re: OMG!!!!!
Date: 03/04/2013 | By: Sara (website runner)
OMG this is the cutest thing i have ever read <3 your so sweeet, this literally just made my day, im so glad you like the website and we shall continue to upload and run the website its so funn xxxxx thankyouu so much kayla xx you can talk to us on twitter or email me, you can find all of this on the website, im going to show your comment to the other girls!!!! omg loveyouu you little cutie :) <3
Re: OMG!!!!!
Date: 03/04/2013 | By: Carly (website runner)
Aww you are a really sweet Haler and you made my day! :') And yes we are still learning how to work the site so we haven't figured out the background yet but we will!! Please continue to show our site to your friends! Your support means the world to us. We know Lucy will see our site one day. And please give us your twitter name so we can follow you! xx
Re: webiste
Date: 03/04/2013 | By: Sara (website runner)
aww thankyouu so much it means a lot xxx
Re: webiste
Date: 03/04/2013 | By: Carly (website runner)
Thank you so much for all of your support! Please share our site with your friends! xx